The Blue Hour


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Jul 21, 2018
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Perth, Western Australia
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Blue it is indeed and a beautiful mixture of blues too. Looks like a pretty long exposure.
Any hour looking at your photos is the best hour..
Beauty of a shot! Is the white object in the right side horizon a boat, oil rig, island? Hard to tell.
Tis blue for sure. Almost looks like fog lingering around the shore.
Any hour looking at your photos is the best hour..
Thank you, glad you liked it. :)

Beauty of a shot! Is the white object in the right side horizon a boat, oil rig, island? Hard to tell.
Thanks very much. There were a couple of ships with their lights on moored out at sea.

Tis blue for sure. Almost looks like fog lingering around the shore.
Yep, it is blue. Accept for the green of course :) It does look very "fog" like.
Stunning! Your seascapes are always great. Are you using a ND filter? What level?
Stunning! Your seascapes are always great. Are you using a ND filter? What level?
Thanks very much. I am glad you like them. I have the "Lee" brand filter system with a 10 stop ND and a hard grad. For this one I just used the ND.
Wow! Now that's moody. I keep expecting to see some skeletal pirates walk out of it.

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