The face...

Technically, wisdom and ignorance are not opposites, but that is the implication by the way in which you have written it.
True; as darkness is not the opposite of the light, but absence of light; i implied wisdom/ignorance in the same way.... thank you
Face mirrors mind; mind mirrors one's wisdom/ignorance....

For your valued views.... :1247:

Ignorance is lack of knowledge - Wisdom is the understanding of knowledge. The mind is the sum of its knowledge, and its understanding of it. Therefore what you wrote is at best a non sequitur. ;)Now as to the photo I think it is a bad cropping...almost a bad snapshot.
Understanding knowledge is called learning....; wisdom is the state of having known; mind of person will reflect what he knows and what he does not know ....
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Understanding knowledge is called learning....; wisdom is the state of having known; mind of person will reflects what he knows and what he does not know ....

Is English a second language for you? Learning is a PROCESS used on knowledge that leads to understanding. The rest of what you just wrote is gibberish.

2d photo same faults as 1st. Do you understand what negative space is in photography? In both instances there is way too much of it especially given that it does not completely surround the subject. You may be pleased with this effect, but do not expect others to share your tastes. Work on your photography, and forget about semantic discussions. ;)
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I just can't understand why you take a biligerent attitude with so much aversion....

I quote from your OP, "For your valued views...."
I gave my view \ You responded \ I responded No belligerence intended, just my opinion. Any misunderstanding is due to communication. In this instance though you only respond to your 'philosophical' dribblings, and not to the photography aspects....that will get you nowhere in the world of photography.
Some people are very knowledgeable. But they don't know how to behave gentle.That makes the distinction between a scholar and a person of wisdom.

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