The Graveyard Set...C&C Welcome!

I think many will say they simply look like b&w snapshots. I like how the tree surrounds the statue in the first but the pillar immediately to the left is hard to distinguish from the subject. The building behind the trees didn't help. They're all dead center, too. Not sure what other options you had but I'd guess there were at least some options on the building. Some are too dim and some are too bright. And most, the statue is the same tone as the sky. Don't worry...I suck at this still so take the comments with a grain of salt.
Diver_matt said:
I think many will say they simply look like b&w snapshots. I like how the tree surrounds the statue in the first but the pillar immediately to the left is hard to distinguish from the subject. The building behind the trees didn't help. They're all dead center, too. Not sure what other options you had but I'd guess there were at least some options on the building. Some are too dim and some are too bright. And most, the statue is the same tone as the sky. Don't worry...I suck at this still so take the comments with a grain of salt.

Same here
Cemeteries are beautiful. We don't have to many ones around here, at least not as good as what you've got here.

#1,#2,#4 seem dull and lifeless. There is a lot of emotion in these statues it's a shame. You need more contrast between the statues and the background. You also need stronger highlights in the statues themselves. You should try avoiding the buildings in the first one. They really don't go with the mood that we should be feeling. You also overexposed the skies in all of them. Aside from #3. Although the contrast is very high and it well over exposed I like it the best out of the set. I'd rather have too much contrast rather then a lifeless subject and it does look like it did it on purpose for artistic purposes, so I really don't mind #3.

I don't think centering is too much of a problem in these because these are more portrait work. Just try to not cut off the very edges of the statues. Also with cemeteries, trees are your friends, make them work with the photo!

But it looks like an awesome location. Definetly worth a re-shoot. :)
Personally, number one is just way too busy (especially on the left) for me to be a big fan of it. The rest, as stated, just look like snapshots. You've got great titles, but I'm not picking up the story from the photographs. The one that I really think would have the most potential would be number four, but you would need to move out a bit, include the whole statue, and maybe something in the background on the right. None of them are bad photos, but I feel like cemeteries are full of so many stories, you could really capture some great photos if you went back for another try.

Also, if you can, an HDR of that last photo could really come out great IMO...

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