The night sky


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Oct 16, 2012
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Nice, I like it, especially since you included a nice well-lit foreground. Too many star pictures I see have a dark undetailed foreground.
Thanks, I wish the foreground was a bit more exciting than my neighbors house.
I also really like this, however I find the light behind the trees a little distracting.
I also really like this, however I find the light behind the trees a little distracting.

Sadly that is the road and I can't do much about it. Next time I will find better spot.
Looks like the camera and operator are working well together. As for making the scene more exciting, I can think of a few ways, but I don't think your neighbour would approve. Nice balance of foreground light and starlight.
Hippy would hang that one up any time.
20 seconds is about the limit before you start seeing "trails" no? Would this shot benefit from stacking?
20 seconds is about the limit before you start seeing "trails" no? Would this shot benefit from stacking?

Yeah roughly 20, although where you are looking it varies.

Multiple exposures? I think if there was an exciting foreground if do more work.

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