The oleanders are abloom


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Jan 24, 2024
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Northern California
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Trailside oleander just wouldn't let me pass by without grabbing a couple shots of its beautiful flowers.

Red Oleander flowers edited resized.jpg
Nice! Love the colors.

The Oleander I am familiar with was growing in my yard in AZ but it made yellow flowers.

We have the same type growing all over here, I have a really big one at the end of the driveway. But you rarely see flowers, the buds seem to be on the menu for several birds and even Coatimundi.
Nice! Love the colors.

The Oleander I am familiar with was growing in my yard in AZ but it made yellow flowers.

We have the same type growing all over here, I have a really big one at the end of the driveway. But you rarely see flowers, the buds seem to be on the menu for several birds and even Coatimundi.
Thanks. That's interesting as I have only seen red and white oleander flowers here. Would love to see the yellow ones.

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