The Police

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Photographizing junkie!
Mar 29, 2018
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Staffordshire England
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Ha! That's funny and Ron White said it best, "You can't fix stupid", but some cops need to obey the law themselves. I know of one particular sheriff in this area that fits that description.
Not really funny. Just last week I read a news story about a list of over 80,000 USA police officers Who have been accused of serious crimes. The idea that all cops are good people and that people who get mistreated by the police are in the wrong automatically is old hat.

Just last month a southern US a police officer was found to have falsely planted methamphetamine on over 200 drivers who he stopped. He was incriminated by his own body camera footage. So I guess in addition to being a lawbreaker, he was also a dumb ****
Okay, this thread is going to go nowhere fast, so let's all just move along.
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