The Pretty Reckless!


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 23, 2012
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YO! You have no idea how hype I was to be at this concert. I've been a big fan of theirs for awhile, and to find out they were playing in my hometown was a dream (I didn't even know I had) come true. Here are some of my favorite shots [see the rest on my Facebook page soon!]

My friend let me borrow his 24-70 f/2.8, and it worked really well!

1. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-3.webp
2. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-4.webp (wasn't sure which crop I preferred, thoughts?)
3. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-20.webp (love this one)
4. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-21.webp
5. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-23.webp (pretty demonic :fangs:)
6. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-24.webp
7. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-31.webp (loved the color)
6. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-34.webp (gotta love a rocker that can rock)
7. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-35.webp (one of my favorites... upset I missed the focus a bit)
8. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-37.webp (jammin)
9. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-43.webp (some normal light!)
10. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-47.webp (lucky...)
11. The Pretty Reckless_Daryll Morgan Photography-52.webp (the crowd was loving it)

And here are a couple of their opener, Them Evils:

12. Them Evils_Daryll Morgan Photography-5.webp (kind of like the distortion)
13. Them Evils_Daryll Morgan Photography-11.webp
Pretty good set in my opinion which is not a very good one.
Thank you! Any CC anyone?

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