*The real* TPF Photo Challenge -April '13- "Less is more"

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#15 to me looked like a shell sticking up out of the water. How it got to be there could be left to the imagination.
I see four entries in the inbox already! Woooo!!!
Has anyone shot theirs yet? I'm testing this weekend, may end up doing the whole thing if it goes well. Need to play around with lighting as I've never shot something like this.
I'm in the same boat, but i'll participate this month since I forgot last month's
I'm workin' on it but still drawing a blank.... Or is that a good thing?.....
Yeah, I'm struggling with this one too. Not because I don't HAVE ideas, but because I haven't thought of anything really "unique" and "out of the box." Meh. Maybe I'll take a picture of the box. :D
I have faith in all of you. :)
Yikes! Only 7 days left! Zoinks Scoob!
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