The Road Home


TPF Noob!
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Northern New Mexico
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Just 2 pictures I took on the way home going through the mountains :)
Let me know what you think! Thank you!


It's a nice concept, but I think it would've looked better if you would've used a smaller aperture and got the entire image in focus.
I took multiple shots and just couldn't seem to get into focus.. especially with the first picture. The trees would just come out blurry.
I took multiple shots and just couldn't seem to get into focus.. especially with the first picture. The trees would just come out blurry.

Try exposing on the trees next time. If you just have one auto-focus point (in the middle), direct your camera on the trees, focus and recompose while keeping the focus on the trees.
What camera did you use? Can you post the exif data?
What camera did you use? Can you post the exif data?
Shutter Speed: 1/936 top picture and 1/1000 bottom picture
Aperture: f/4.6
ISO: 64
Exposure Bias: -1
Lens Focal Length: 6.3
With an aperture of f4.6 it is impossible to get everything into focus. You'd need to use a much smaller aperture (and longer shutter speed) for that ... and since you laid your camera on the road to take the pic, you could easily have exposed for much longer, as the camera was resting, anyway.
I really like the first one a lot! It would have been cool to have everything in focus, but that first picture just made me excited for summer road trips so I am thankful to you for posting it and making my day! =)
I want to comment on pic 1:

you have used the lines down the center of the road to create a very strong compositional situation where the fifth and sixth lines are converging "down the road" that is what generated the road trip excitement, the compositional elements draw the viewer into the photo. now if you crop the shot so that the convergence of the fifth and sixth lines is on the golden section then you will have a much stronger shot.

try it cropped just above the tree line and see what you think.

good idea, keep working with it and read your camera manual to see if you can force manual focusing and aperture so that you can get the trees in focus too.


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