The "Snake" slithers Westward..


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 7, 2009
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S. Idaho
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Into the sunset......

That's a gorgeous image. I'm not 100% sold on the composition though, mostly because of the horizon splitting the frame in half and the vanishing point of the river being smack dab in the center of the frame.
The river makes for a perfect leading line.

Here's what I was thinking..


Either way, if I had taken this I would make sure it got printed and hung on the wall. :thumbup:

I couldn't resist playing with this one..
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That's a gorgeous image. I'm not 100% sold on the composition though, mostly because of the horizon splitting the frame in half and the vanishing point of the river being smack dab in the center of the frame.
The river makes for a perfect leading line.

Here's what I was thinking..


Either way, if I had taken this I would make sure it got printed and hung on the wall. :thumbup:

I couldn't resist playing with this one..

Hi Paul.... I like your edits.. When this gets printed (and it will - my son just ordered a 16x20 MetalPrint for his office :D) it'll need a crop anyway.. This was a fun picture to play with, and I agree that it has some "Opportunities" to tweak a little..


Very nice. Is that near Twin?

This was taken from the rim of the Snake River Canyon where the Perrine Bridge crosses over the Snake. The highway leaves twin, North to Sun Valley from here..


Really really pretty. If I was going to nit pick I'd say get rid of the little tree on the far left, the one thats round and half in and half out of the frame. I'd also get rid of a little sky that the horizon wasnt smack in the middle. I always do that in my photos, and then notice later....

Awesome, though.
Sorry, I'm sure that sounded funny by itself, what I meant was, "That's a really cool shot, it looks like you got the lighting just right, was it an HDR?"

This was a handheld 3 shot HDR just after a brief rainfall.. A new "Overlook" was built at the Twin Falls Visitors Center that juts out over the canyon about 30 feet, so I thought I'd drive over and check it out.. Was taken with my new Sigma 10-20 f/4, which, by the way, offers some incredible opportunities for landscapes! I absolutely love it, and have no regrets for not choosing the Canon version..

After lighting the fire in the fireplace, a hot shower, and a couple of Coronas, they were stitched up in Photomatix.. I'm shooting more HDR these days when I feel that the picture could benefit from it. With this one, the darkness of the water/canyon along with the beautiful sky was a perfect chance to see if I can "Keep it real", or - as real as possible.. I'm improving, but I think I have a longer way to go...

I knew that centering everything was breaking all the rules, but to capture this as I saw it, I couldn't choose between which area was "More" important .. Sky or Canyon.. Which of your children are more important ?? - After all, in real life - anyone looking at this would see what this picture shows .. when you stand at 'ground level', and have a view of a 480 foot canyon as well as a beautiful sky above, the actuality of it is that it really 'is' split in the middle.. you spend no more time looking down, as you do looking up, so - there were no cops around, and I 'broke the rule' ... ;-)

Using some adjustment layers, I attempted to create the colors as accurately as possible - and I think I succeeded in that... Then, one of my favorite ways of making a picture 'pop' is to use a very subtle "Dodge/burn" technique in the areas that need it.. I burned around the horizon/canyon rim, and lightened some of the bushes where the light hit naturally which seemed to give it a little depth..

I thought of cropping out the road on the left, but everyone who is from this area and sees this picture would immediately know it's missing - it's the only way down to the river - however, my son just requested a 16x20 MetalPrint for his office and I asked him if he wanted it out and he said that he did, so the picture will need cropping anyway for printing and I'll gladly oblidge..

Pretty much it... I"ve done some really extensive travel in my life, and I'm so glad to live in an area that offers so many diverse opportunities for photography.. An hour away lies Sun Vally, Idaho, totally different from this desert area...
Thanks for the info, really, really nice shot. What exposure bracketing did you use? -2, 2 +2? I also enjoy taking HDR photos, and love Photomatix pro. Great program.
You definitely are lucky to live in such a beautiful area. And the least of it is for taking photos, just LIVING it, is so much more important.

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