TPF Noob!
Lying in wait...
Seeing her prey, she springs into action...
To ensure her meal doesn't get away, she wraps it with a few layers of webbing...
Just a little more should finish the job...
With her meal properly secured, she totes it back to the center of the web to consume at her convenience.
This pictorial docudrama has been brought to you by Mutual of OhMyGod, Marlon Perkins will be by your house to sell you an insurance policy within the hour.

Seeing her prey, she springs into action...

To ensure her meal doesn't get away, she wraps it with a few layers of webbing...

Just a little more should finish the job...

With her meal properly secured, she totes it back to the center of the web to consume at her convenience.

This pictorial docudrama has been brought to you by Mutual of OhMyGod, Marlon Perkins will be by your house to sell you an insurance policy within the hour.