The Violin


TPF Noob!
Jun 29, 2012
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Beautiful street music: This violin was part of a quartett of young musicians.
Comments and critique most welcome.
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as a 12 year practitioner of classical Violining (in my youth)...i would have liked to have seen her left hand in this shot. Lot of personality in the left hand position on that instrument.
also, im not sure if this was a particular artistic choice, but I also would have personally liked more DOF on this shot. the violin seems to be in focus, but the girl does not.
perhaps a step or two camera right would have been a better angle for me.
^^^ Well noticed about left hand.
Thanks a lot for your comments. I can see your point here.
I like the photo partially because of the low DOF, so that it really focusses on the instrument, but I can see the appeal of a picture with a slightly wider angle and a higher DOF.
I checked in the album and found one of the same girl, which you might prefer. At least you can see her left hand.

the second shot is pretty much what I would have preferred, if taken from the opposite side where her face is visible.
however, I find the visible left hand more compelling in the second image than I do her face being visible in the first.
To make the series complete, a third shot.
This time with her face sharp, with the violin slightly off.

i think this third image is the strongest of the set, followed closely by the second.
my only nitpick here would be the harsh light on her hand and the glare on the violin.
as a 12 year practitioner of classical Violining (in my youth)...i would have liked to have seen her left hand in this shot. Lot of personality in the left hand position on that instrument.
also, im not sure if this was a particular artistic choice, but I also would have personally liked more DOF on this shot. the violin seems to be in focus, but the girl does not.
perhaps a step or two camera right would have been a better angle for me.

Jason !!!! I have played the violin since I was in 4th grade !!!!! Played here in my youth at the Miami Youth Symphony , and also at the Florida International Youth Symphony !! HAHAH way too funny .
In my opinion, the second photo is strongest. Of the three, it really caught my eye because of the angle it was taken at and the high contrast. Plus I think it best catches the essence of a street musician.

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