Thinking of a D700


TPF Noob!
Oct 26, 2006
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South Carolina USA
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I moved up from a D80 to a 300 and am now considering selling the 80 as the backup, having the 300 as a backup and having the main body as a 700.

Main difference: Back-Up DX body and a main FX body. I would be wiling to invest in better glass to use on the 300.

I could use the FX lenses on the 300 with no crop and then switch to the 700 if needed with no problem but no the other way around? If I wanted to use a FX lens on the 300, I could have a longer focal length.

I don't have an investment in DX lenses. Just a 18-135 which came with the D80, a 50 1.8 and 80-200 2.8. I would sell the 18-135 with the D80.

What do you think?

I had several pieces of good glass when I had my D80, except for the 12-24, all were FX mounts. When I got the D300, I only bought a couple of other FX lenses just because. When I got the D700, I've only bought one lens.

Storal of the morey, get the glass now.

BTW, the D700 is friggin' awesome. :)
I had several pieces of good glass when I had my D80, except for the 12-24, all were FX mounts. When I got the D300, I only bought a couple of other FX lenses just because. When I got the D700, I've only bought one lens.

Storal of the morey, get the glass now.

BTW, the D700 is friggin' awesome. :)

Yeah I have heard. Never been able to get to play with one. The guy who sold me the D300 shoots with a D3 and as far as I know, the 700 and D3 are pretty similar in ISO capabilities (as far as what a photo looks like, not how high it goes) but the main difference is the FPS, which I can do without right now.

I have the telephoto range covered but need the wide angle (a fast wide angle like a 17-55 or even 28-70 for the full frame since 17 would be almost 28 on DX but I would want to have 2.8 for the wide.) Other than that, I think I'm covered.


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