thirsty business


TPF Noob!
Aug 3, 2013
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Really not feeling this shot. You titled it thirsty business, yet the thing she is drinking out of barely takes up a fraction of the frame. It's abstract to me, but not in any sort of way that makes me appreciate the shot or feel that it is anything worth looking at more than once.
Thanks for the comment
I dont really know what I can positivly take out of it but at least you saw the abstract nature

The problem seems to be the title and thats open to anyone to suggest a better one
I agree with Dan's comment; I think this shot is just cropped too tightly. The only sharp area (which is what the human eye naturally focuses on) is her eye.
Thanks for the comment
I dont really know what I can positivly take out of it but at least you saw the abstract nature

The problem seems to be the title and thats open to anyone to suggest a better one
More detail is needed. It's so zoomed in that I can't appreciate what is going on in the photo. My critique would be to zoom out.
could have titled it "Singing in a microphone" and I would have believed it.
Alright, so ignoring the title, the obvious is she is consuming (for the lack of a better term) something large and black. Is it a glass of Coca Cola, a pint of Guinness or King Kong himself? It's very hard.... sorry..... difficult to tell from your camera position. Apart from that, everything else looks okay.

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