Thoughts on Nikon D7000


TPF Noob!
Aug 1, 2009
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San Diego
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Hey guys,
I don't really shoot my DSLR gear anymore as I mainly shoot medium format. But I still use them for simple headshots, or events that I occasionally do. I am currently using a nikon d2x. And I was looking into possibly selling it and replacing it with a d7000. It seems that EVERY aspect of the camera out performs the D2X. Focus, IQ, resolution. Pretty much everything with the exception of it being a pro body. Do you think switching would make me look unprofessional? Is it really as good as ken rockwell says?

Any insight would be awesome :)
I have one and I love it, its feature set as you know is right up there. Get it with the grip and nobody would know any better.
Good Lord man, a D7000 might make you look like a smart, tech-savvy young photographer...and who'd want THAT kind of an image??? I mean, that's one step beneath using a Canon 5D-II...
Hey guys,
I don't really shoot my DSLR gear anymore as I mainly shoot medium format. But I still use them for simple headshots, or events that I occasionally do. I am currently using a nikon d2x. And I was looking into possibly selling it and replacing it with a d7000. It seems that EVERY aspect of the camera out performs the D2X. Focus, IQ, resolution. Pretty much everything with the exception of it being a pro body. Do you think switching would make me look unprofessional? Is it really as good as ken rockwell says?

Any insight would be awesome :)

i just got mine and it gives the d90 a run for its money, and your d2x of course :P
Is it the size of a D3000? Because those are VERY small. Or is more like a D300 or D90 size?

It is noticeably larger that the D3000. Going back to the d3000 after a week of shooting the D7000 makes it feel like a toy.
I like it, we picked one up for it's reach and video functions, gotta love that built in teleconverter :P. Certainly a step up from the D2x although it does look a good deal smaller, and is.. Same size as the D90/80 though.
I wish D2X prices would hurry up and plummet so I can pick one up for cheap.

i wish it was a bigger leap above my d80, but it doesn't seem like it is, but from a d40 or d60/3000 that thing is amazing!

I'm just excited for the D300s replacement, hopefully it comes out with the release of the d4 in july 2011...

but the d7000 does look awesome and makes me extremely jealous!
The d7000's sensor is MUCH better then the d2x. The d2x sensor is roughly two generations behind the d7000 sensor.

If you're concerned about appearances add a vertical grip to it. Anybody that can tell the difference is also likely not to be impressed by your 5 year old d2x. ;)
Word. Besides who cares about appearances when you have ISO performances like that. Your pics will speak 1000's of words for themselves.
Please, please, please remember that it does not matter what your final images look like. All that matters is what your camera looks like. That's what sells images :lol:.
I do enjoy my D7000 very much. It preforms great during the few shoots I have used it on! If you would want to do a straight up trade for a medium format camera I wouldn't mind (I could add an iPad) :sexywink:
I do enjoy my D7000 very much. It preforms great during the few shoots I have used it on! If you would want to do a straight up trade for a medium format camera I wouldn't mind (I could add an iPad) :sexywink:
dang man! you rich??? just sayin. saw the D7000, 3 speed lights, lightroom, photoshop, and now the Ipad?
yes im jealous.
ok, sorry, my rant is over now.

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