Time for an upgrade ?


TPF Noob!
Mar 11, 2015
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I've been shooting for nearly a year now and my cameras viewfinder has shifted drastically (Sony a200). I feel I've explored as much as I could with this camera and think it may be time to upgrade. What camera would you guys reccomend for a "next step up" ? And I know it's not the camera, it's the shooter, but is it possible that an upgrade will improve the quality of my photos ? (Attached photos from past couple months for reference)


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I doubt a new camera is going to help you get better results. More expensive DSLR's don't typically do much that the entry level cameras can't. What they do better doesn't tend to include image quality. Even way up to a full-frame camera will really only help in particular demanding situations.

I feel I've explored as much as I could with this camera
See, in my way of seeing, the camera doesn't define where I go. The world around me does. I will consider an upgrade if I have a photo project going on that I just can't do, or can't do well. By letting my projects drive my purchases, I'm ensuring that my vision and skill are driving forward at least as fast as my gear. If I were to buy more gear because I'm not satisified with my current results then my skills may not be improving. So I think you should find a personal project, even if it is just one image you really want to make. Forums like this are a great place to get ideas, as are image sharing sites, such as Flickr, 500px, etc.

I don't know what you mean about your viewfinder shifting. Is it broken? A broken camera would be a reason to upgrade.
It's a common problem in Sony cameras. The auto stabilization often locks the view finder just out of frame. And thanks I'll keep that in mind and will probably do what I can until I know I need to purchase a new camera.

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