To Bloom


Supporting Member
Apr 1, 2004
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Can others edit my Photos
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Normally a color shot. Presented in B&W, does it hold it's own? Any technical and/or aesthetic comments/critique appreciated.

Leica MP, Voigtlander 35/1.7 Ultron.

I like the contrast here, and the composition.....but it seems to lack a real focal point for me. I am looking about the image and nothing pulls me in. It isn't bad, but it doesn't make me say Wow, either. :)
I'm sort of middle of the road on this one. The leaf on the right really captures my attention due to the detail, whereas the left hand side of the photo seems a bit bland in comparison. I'm tempted to suggest possibly cropping off about 1/3 of the left side of the photo and leaving the 3 center flowers and the leaf on the right.
The sun is rising and will be entering my window soon rendering my monitor useless for many hours. I am lucky I found this now otherwise I would have been looking at several white flowers on a black background.

I like this one. You may have picked up I am big on what story or emotion the photo tells or gives. Hold that thought. The crisp lines of the leaves, the subtle tones of the flowers the high contrast all blend to make an excellent photo. I get a distinct feeling and message from this photo. Yes, my mind is warped - or just hypersensitive! I do not want to start babbling for drop that thought I asked you to hold.
Thank you for your comments and critique.

Chase, for some reason I was attracted to a panoramic crop for this shot. The crop you suggest looks good but when I hold a piece of paper up and do it, I sense too much of a balance that, to me, makes it a little too ordered, balanced. (Sorry for all the commas...).

I think I chose the panoramic crop for it's turmoil, randomness - lack of focal point that Terri mentions. Maybe I'm attracted to a natural order within the natural chaos.

Chase said:
I'm sort of middle of the road on this one. The leaf on the right really captures my attention due to the detail, whereas the left hand side of the photo seems a bit bland in comparison. I'm tempted to suggest possibly cropping off about 1/3 of the left side of the photo and leaving the 3 center flowers and the leaf on the right.

Im with chase but I think I would crop off the right side and not the left.

I like the higher contrast between the white and black on that side.

I understand where your coming from tuna and it would work for me if printed large enough that I could really not view the whole image at one time unless I stepped way back.

Nice contrast... All your BW always look so good when it comes to contrast :D
This image is so rich. I like the layout. I like the way it is composed.
Finest I have seen from you, thus far. :thumbup:
Hey, ......... I like it! :)

I would prefer to see all of the larger leaves on the right side, and not clipped at the top, and maybe the two white flowers/sections on the left cropped.
But, ....... that's just my taste buds talking!


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