

TPF Noob!
Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

What on Earth did you do to make her so sad? BAD DADDY! LOL
I like the composition onf these but they seem dark to me. I played cause it says I am allowed. ;) And my baby is sleeping so I have a little bit of time. I blew out the shirt but I think her eyes are brighter.
She was playing with bubbles for the first time and instead of blowing in the bubble dipping stick thingy, she ate it. That could not have tasted too good.

These were after I cleaned her mouth out of the soapy bubbles but she was very serious about it from that point on.

I do my conversions rather weird. I used calculations on one then a second one using the L chanel in Lab. Then I drag one onto the other and lighten it around 50%.

After that I use a hue/sat adjustment on colorize with the settings at 30-3-0

Then, I duplicate the layer, set it to overlay and lower the opacity
Well, I still don't have photoshop but I will look for those things when I get it and play around with them. :)
So your daughter likes to try to eat everything before she plays with it too? So does mine, including a flash card!! grrr... haha. KIDS!
I love the photos, but I also think they need some post-processing.

Here's my attempt, more subtle than I prefer, but I'm pretty confused about Photoshop output to wed.

The expressions are really unique.

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