Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


TPF Noob!
Sep 16, 2005
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That's really amazing man!

Do you have many more photos of the Tomb?
If you do I would really like to buy one, go ahead and PM me. :)
Thanks guys.

LM, look in your inbox.

Rob, I sat there for a while. They walk to the end of the walk, turn, stand there for a minute or two, move the rifle from one shoulder to the next, then march back the other way and do it again. So, I waited several times, and used burst mode to get the money shot. FYI, the guard for the Unknown Soldier is one of the only ones in the US that are like the guards at Buck palace, ignoring the people around them.
Great capture.....and like rob says, good timing, i like that he's dead in the centre of the stone :thumbup:
Excellent capture. Great example of watching the scene and waiting for your moment.
They are part of a unit called "The Old Guards." It is the only unit in the United States Army like that and is all volunteer. Very hard to get into. The tomb guards train for months before they are allowed to guard the tomb. It is a very unique assignment and they take it very serious.

Last year during a very bad bout of weather they were given an option to come in and they refused to. The tomb has never been unguarded.

Great photo!
Very nice! The background really makes the tomb stand out! Nice composition!
Thanks again everyone for the comments. I'm glad you liked.

I think I want to try this shot again, and LittleMan suggested not cropping the guard's legs, so I think I want to try that next time.

Thanks again.

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