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Took Pics today What is wrong????

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TPF Noob!
Jan 11, 2012
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United States, IL
Can others edit my Photos
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Ok so Today I tried a photo shoot and I have no idea why my focus is so off. I know I had a pretty wide Aperture for a lot of them but I also tried closing it a bit more and also played with shutter speeds to not avail. My focus was set to AF one shot, and I would use the center point, focus on my subject then recompose the photo and still did not have good focus. My exposure was all over the place too. I had a really hard time with my settings so I would appreciate any feedback on why you think my exposure or focus was off? Also how can I go back see what settings my camera was on now that I have downloaded the photos?





Every picture posted was at f/1.8 - completely wide open. Pretty sure that should tell you why focus is off since its been discussed on your other threads. Do you understand the your distance plays a huge role in DOF? The closer you are - the shallower the DOF - higher chance of missed focus.
Is it possible you left your focus on servo, rather then one-shot? That would account for the focus following your AF point after you moved it to compose.

Also, how did you get the sunlight effect in #4?
What exactly were you trying to get on these photos?
blackrose89 said:
I could be wrong, her style looks like she is aiming for a look you would see in a poster for a clothing line in a mall. Maybe Pacsun or American Eagle. Something like that.

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Nothing wrong with style - its the fact that she's shooting wide open and wondering why she missed focus.

Togalive - are you talking about focus and recomposing. If so, you definitely should not focus and recompose when shooting wide open.
blackrose89 said:
I could be wrong, her style looks like she is aiming for a look you would see in a poster for a clothing line in a mall. Maybe Pacsun or American Eagle. Something like that.

The links are safe (Flickr)

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Nothing wrong with style - its the fact that she's shooting wide open and wondering why she missed focus.

Togalive - are you talking about focus and recomposing. If so, you definitely should not focus and recompose when shooting wide open.

Can you see what I mean how it has similarities to a pacsun or Ae poster? Not saying there aren't technical issues, someone asked what she was trying to get out of these photos, and I think that's it. I think that's the style she's shooting for.

I also think her style sticks out more then the average Mom photographing her kids.
I think she could be great if she got the basics down. She seems to have a good eye. Shooting wide open to get a shallow DOF and then missing focus isn't going to help her any though. Use a smaller aperture! Jeez - even at f/11 (really small aperture) and 4 feet away you are still going to have a shallow DOF.
I think she could be great if she got the basics down. She seems to have a good eye. Shooting wide open to get a shallow DOF and then missing focus isn't going to help her any though. Use a smaller aperture! Jeez - even at f/11 (really small aperture) and 4 feet away you are still going to have a shallow DOF.

Agree. BTW I might be getting a DSLR in a month or two, so this aparture jargon will actually apply to me!!!!
I think she could be great if she got the basics down. She seems to have a good eye. Shooting wide open to get a shallow DOF and then missing focus isn't going to help her any though. Use a smaller aperture! Jeez - even at f/11 (really small aperture) and 4 feet away you are still going to have a shallow DOF.

Yes, I understand and I did change my setting frequently while shooting and now I don't know if I can go back to see what settings I was using?? Is there an app for windows that would allow me to see the DoF on my other photos?? It would be so much easier this way for me to compare them......
Is it possible you left your focus on servo, rather then one-shot? That would account for the focus following your AF point after you moved it to compose.

Also, how did you get the sunlight effect in #4?
At first, yes and then I caught the problem early on in the shoot and switched to one shot.
You have photoshop right?? Photoshop comes with bridge. Bridge has an option at the top that says metadata. You can also filter your photos in bridge by the metadata such as choosing what aperture was used....I'll post a screen shot in a second. You can also do a focus test on your lens...
The two thing I would remove from Photography if I could

1. The term "I always shoot wide open"

2. Every 50mm1.8 lens on the planet

What exactly were you trying to get on these photos?

Not sure what you mean but I have had issues with my focus and exposure so I'm working on that. Really I just wanted to shoot today and then couldn't get anything right while I was there!!! So I'm going to try and figure it out so I can go back to this same spot and try again maybe this weekend.
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