Toyota Crown RS60


TPF Noob!
Jun 29, 2013
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I took this snapshot the other day. The car is a friend of mine's, and is a early '70s model. Not a perfect photo, but as I said - it's a snapshot. :)
Captured with Fuji x100s and edited in Lightroom 4.


C&C are more than welcome.
Cars then were very "romantic". While browsing thru old National Geographics there is a lot of ads of those cars. (Also of photographic equipment.) I can only envy the owner, it seems to be in a perfect condition. On the other side I think the name of that model is not Crown but Corona, at least in America. Thanks for posting.
Cars then were very "romantic". While browsing thru old National Geographics there is a lot of ads of those cars. (Also of photographic equipment.) I can only envy the owner, it seems to be in a perfect condition. On the other side I think the name of that model is not Crown but Corona, at least in America. Thanks for posting.

Yes, I agree. I think it has a "royal"-look to it. High profile owners. The model Corona/Cressida was a developed name from the Crown. So you're kind of right. ;)
The model Corona/Cressida was a developed name from the Crown. So you're kind of right. ;)
I dug a bit deeper in Toyota models history and that is complicated and mixed up depends on the market and time, especially that crown and corona means the same. Curious is use of word "Cressida" as a name for the car, sounds nice, sassy but is quite pejorative in meaning.

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