Transvall Lion


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 20, 2011
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newcastle, ontario
Can others edit my Photos
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Nice relaxing day for them
Transvaal lion-s.webp
Transvaal lion1-s.webp
How many hour's did you spend there walking around?
I would say about 2 hours. So many photos i took are just unusable as i simply cannot cleanly remove the fence and have something usable. However in the case of these guys they were farther back from the fence allowing me to focus on them in the distance, creating some great shots. But still fun to see the animals. I will say they all seemed very happy and energetic. The lions were playing with giant balls and we watched them get fed. The wolves were chasing each other around and huge enclosure. Also a couple of foxes having a heck of a time chasing each other, impossible to photo them as they wouldnt stay still but fun watching them play.
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Nice shooting!

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