Trekking Thirumaleguppi & Hirumareguppi in torrential rain **pic & story heavy**

Good stuff Raj. You love landscapes so much ... you should give serious thoughts to a MF camera. (You can transition to MF on the cheap with a MF film camera. Nothing wrong with increasing the burden on your hikes.)
Thanks snowbear! :)
Good stuff Raj. You love landscapes so much ... you should give serious thoughts to a MF camera. (You can transition to MF on the cheap with a MF film camera. Nothing wrong with increasing the burden on your hikes.)
Thanks Gary, I've never even considered lugging around an MF, it's actually a brilliant idea, one that will lead to a considerable R&D from me now! :lol:
Although TBH, I know very little about films and how they work. Can the images be transferred from film to my computer with no loss of quality? I'll look into it, and thanks :)
Thanks snowbear! :)
Good stuff Raj. You love landscapes so much ... you should give serious thoughts to a MF camera. (You can transition to MF on the cheap with a MF film camera. Nothing wrong with increasing the burden on your hikes.)
Thanks Gary, I've never even considered lugging around an MF, it's actually a brilliant idea, one that will lead to a considerable R&D from me now! :lol:
Although TBH, I know very little about films and how they work. Can the images be transferred from film to my computer with no loss of quality? I'll look into it, and thanks :)
Any transfer between different mediums, (analog to digital), will result in some change/loss of quality. Depending upon how you transfer and how good the transfer equipment is will determine the amount of loss/change that will occur. On the cheap, you can get a twin lens reflex for $100+- on Ebay. Or look around pawn shops, (dunno if they have pawn shops in India). A home development kit will run you another $100. In the beginning I'd find a good custom development shop and have them scan the negs. Good luck. (Feel free to ask me any questions ... or anybody else in the film forum.)
Thanks a lot Jassi ji..planning to go to nilgiris in Tamil Nadu mid august.. :)[/QUOTE]


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