Adirondack Mountain sunset


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Mar 1, 2018
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Took the kids skiing at Whiteface Mountain this past weekend. Friday was beautiful. They had perfect weather and could see the snow covered high peaks. That night I really wanted to try to photograph a sunset, but gave up. Wasn’t sure where it would set and the sky was quite clear. Driving to dinner we saw some beautiful light and quickly drove to the golf course hoping there would be a view. Couldn’t believe my good fortune. I wish I had the tripod tho.


And it just kept getting better. These are the ski jumps built for the 1980 Winter Olympics. They still use them for training, competition and demonstration. I think the tallest is 120 feet. I’ve climbed to the top and looked down. Scary.

Should I tone the pinks down? It looked good on my computer but a little bright on the iPhone.



The next day the clouds rolled in and it rained in the afternoon. I swear every time we plan to go there in winter it rains or freezing rain. Or, we’ve canceled because it’s high winds/ extremely cold. This was a view from a fun 1.3 mile snowshoe trail. It was wicked windy from the overlook!

check out the photographer's ephemeris or photopills for your phone. they're $10, but well worth it. they'll tell you when the sunset will happen, but also where it will be on the horizon. it shows up as a line on a map from where you are (or a point you pick) out to the edge of the frame.

the pinks look great on my computer, no need to adjust them. beautiful series.
Beautiful shots! I know the area well. The photo from the golf course overlooking the ski jumps is one I’ve tried to shoot many times while in placid, but conditions never work out. Congrats on the good fortune, it’s hard to come by up there sometimes with photos!

If I’m envisioning the relations to your position properly, the big mountain to the right of the jumps should be Marcy, and in the next photo they would be the Macintire Range: left to right - Wright, Algonquin, boundary (not officially a high peak) and Iroquois.

If I’m correct, I’ve stood on all of those mountains. Incredible memories.
Nice set, I like them all. You should ski down the ski jump and get some good, PIF, "Photographer In Flight", shots of the ground below. ;)
All good but No 3 for me is the stand out. Simple but sublime.
Beautiful colours and compositions. I love the first one with the moon.
check out the photographer's ephemeris or photopills for your phone. they're $10, but well worth it. .

photopills-I was trying to remember the name of that this weekend. Thanks for the reminder!

Beautiful shots! Congrats on the good fortune, it’s hard to come by up there sometimes with photos!

If I’m envisioning the relations to your position properly, the big mountain to the right of the jumps should be Marcy, and in the next photo they would be the Macintire Range: left to right - Wright, Algonquin, boundary (not officially a high peak) and Iroquois.

If I’m correct, I’ve stood on all of those mountains. Incredible memories.

I agree, it’s often cloudy and foggy when we are here. Or bright sun and boring sky. Congratulations for hiking them! I wish I had gotten around to it when I was younger. Always wanted to. And thanks for the names-I’m not good with that. Usually Marcy and Whiteface are the only ones I can pick out.

Thanks everyone!
my thoughts on them

#1) I like this ... Moon in the center, the peak lit by the light .. I'd perhaps add a grad and darken the bottom even more but yeah, this photo is very nice
#2) I simply like that ... I am big advocate of natural looking photos, or ... or when it doesn't look that natural because you've projected some artistic intent into it just make it so, push on limits, don't stuck somewhere in the middle .. that pinky sky is great
#3) dtto as #2, perhaps I like this even more .. this one is solely about the pinky sky taking 2/3 of photo without anything on ground distracting much from sky and pale peak
#4) nice photo .. next time I'd propose to make a small tree in the bottom left part more prominent
NTZ-thanks for the nice comments and tips!

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