TPF Noob!
Here's a pic I made from three separate shots. I really enjoy night time photography, as you will see in a lot of my stuff.
These shots were taken with run of the mill Kodak Max400. No tripod, they were hand held. The first person on the left is a mate of mine, the second in the centre is my partner and the third on the right is a stranger.
It's not really noticable, but each shot uses a different focal plane.
I hope you guys like it.
cHUCk in Melbourne

These shots were taken with run of the mill Kodak Max400. No tripod, they were hand held. The first person on the left is a mate of mine, the second in the centre is my partner and the third on the right is a stranger.
It's not really noticable, but each shot uses a different focal plane.
I hope you guys like it.
cHUCk in Melbourne