Trouble has come to town


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 6, 2022
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The Red Winged Blackbirds are starting to show up in numbers. Possibly the most ill tempered and aggressive beast on the planet!

Really? I've not personally witnessed any bullying behavior in the flocks that have appeared in my yard(s) over time. They are beautiful to watch taking off together.

What I don't like seeing are the grackles. And the worst offender ever was a single mockingbird, in Georgia, who literally staked out my yard as his personal territory. He'd sit in one of my trees and go after anyone - including these blackbirds - who dared swoop in to a feeder. I'd watch him run everyone clear out of my yard and back to the treeline, then he'd return to his station in the tree. He was a little jerk!
Nice shot! I've had a pair visiting the feeder for the past couple of months. Once the catskills grow back down at the pond, there will be a large number nesting down there. Haven't really seen any aggression from them.
Thanks everyone!

Yes, I have been maligning these sweet little creatures ;)

That's a hawk! They're chasing a known predator away from nesting grounds, more than likely. That's not bullying; it's defending.
Haha! I watch these little demons attack everything from hawks to crows, to sparrows. Anything that dares enter their territory! Including photographers and their sweet little dog!
Nice shots.

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