Trying something new


TPF Noob!
Dec 8, 2008
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Teresina, Brazil otherwise known as the End of the
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Normally - when I go out, I just grab my camera and my tripod...and look for shots.

I'm trying to plan out some shots based off where I know I am going.

I'm making a list as we speak.

Do any of you guys plan out your 'ideas'?

I'm a little limited tonight - since its night, but we'll see if something cool comes up.
I generally go out with some ideas of what I would like to shoot and usually end up coming back with something completely different :lol:
I find myself to come up with an idea during the day while im at school. I get all excited and cant wait to get home to try it out. haha
If you have a heavy traffic area near your place then set a shot for maybe 10 secs? Make sure the camera is on a tripod though. It makes for a pretty cool pic.
too cold to do a lot.




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I regularly do street portraits of strangers because I find people endlessly fascinating. But as a change I do "Sunday Mornings with Holga." That is... early Sunday morning (when next to nobody is out and about) I go with my Holga and a tripod to the worst sections of neighboring towns and find things that are busted out. Here's a bust-out steak house in Indio, California.

Students are back in town, 2nd day of classes. I'd say hit up Dickson Street.

Where'd you take #3 & 4?

At my apartment complex. I live in Lindsey Management. One was a small creek flowing from near the pool and the other was off of waterfall in the front drive in.

The waterfall was half-frozen/half-running and had some really interesting ice formations - so i did some close up on them.
Hit the Pig Trail and the Boston Mountains all kinds of shots to get from those.

yeah - that's a good idea. weekends are kind of tied up for a while...i'll probably hit the pig trail up in later february...and as it gets warmer...southern missouri and northwest arkansas are beautiful.

devil's den
bull shoals
there are tons of places to go - just too much time compared to what I've got.
At my apartment complex. I live in Lindsey Management. One was a small creek flowing from near the pool and the other was off of waterfall in the front drive in.

The waterfall was half-frozen/half-running and had some really interesting ice formations - so i did some close up on them.

I would not have guessed a Lindsey complex.
I don't "go out" specifically for photography. My photography is mainly with the kids and the dog while they play. Any other photography just happens when we go somewhere such as the zoo, the beach, the lake, and picnicing in the summers. I venture a bit "off the path" with the camera when ever we are doing something.

That said, I did go out this past weekend specifically for photography. Or actually, I had to run to the store and it took me 3 hours and about 80 miles on the car just to run 6 miles down the road to the store.

I usually look around any time I go somewhere, whether it is just to the store or otherwise. I try to remember something I may want to shoot and I am usually with the wife and kids so I don't carry the camera and don't stop. They are too impatient for that, which due to the fact that going anywhere usually means a 80 mile round trip, the kids want to get home because it's getting close to dinner time or wife wants to get home because it's getting close to the kid's bedtime.

I have written stuff down that I want to go shoot, but like I said, to go anywhere for me, it is usually an 80 mile round trip. I'm poor, so I tend to just stay home and not spend the gas money.

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