

TPF Noob!
Nov 19, 2007
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Sacramento CA
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I know it is more of a snapshot than anything but it was the best of the 20 or so pictures I took of said turkey.
turkeys can fly? I thought they were flightless like chickens and ostriches, or they might have a sustained hop like a chicken.. :lol:
That thing is probably 50' in the air right there I don't know about other turkeys but that thing was long gone by the time it landed.
Surprised the crud outta me too it was in the middle of our apartment complex acting hurt animal control came by for some reason to try to catch it I was expecting to maybe get one last shot of them putting it in a little cage or something and all of a sudden I see it flying overhead.
There are a crap load of turkey's around where I live, they do scare the hell out of you when in flight. And they are not the most graceful of birds.
turkeys can fly? I thought they were flightless like chickens and ostriches, or they might have a sustained hop like a chicken.. :lol:
Hehe..i thought so too!
Great picture though.
I'd seen more than my share of turkeys before coming to this apartment complex but never one flying quite that high.
turkeys can fly? I thought they were flightless like chickens and ostriches, or they might have a sustained hop like a chicken..

Obviously you didn't grow up near a farm - chickens are quite capable of flying as are turkeys & peacocks - now there is a bird to see in flight, I don't know how they get the weight of that tail off the ground.
I say its no snapshot. Its not easy to get a good bird in flight photo. I did have to do a search on turkeys flying. They say wild turkeys fly very well and roost in trees at night. Some have been know to fly at speeds of 55mph lmao. Thats like a mac truck flying in the air.
turkey's are amazing fliers...ive seen a flock of 50 take off through thick underbrush and trees, the biggest tom being probably 30lbs

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