Type A Express cards finally seeing reasonable prices, Pergear selling a 256G card for $120.


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Jan 23, 2019
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I've been using the Pergear 260G 'Pro' since the beginning of the season. Thousands of shots stored, uploaded, have formatted the card a dozen times, no issues whatsoever. Plus, a 5-year warranty. I paid $190 (US) for it at the time and was happy to get it at that price, but have been using a 128G SDII in the second slot as a backup. For this $, I think I may pick up one of these new 256G to replace the SD.

Links in the post from several sellers and just about anywhere in the world.

What the heck, with the Rumor site's discount code it was $104 US! I went ahead and got one, really tough to let that one pass.

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