Universal Studios Photos


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Aug 27, 2012
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Orlando, FL
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Just figured I would share some photos I took this past weekend.

Anything good or bad stand out?



3. Longer exposure to smooth the water.


5. Blind LUCK to get the roller coaster going around the loop on this one...


6. As you might be able to guess, the people with the cell phones did NOT get this pic. They got a almost completely white and yellow photo from the fire. I have learned a thing or 2...so I turned down my exposure compensation before the fire came out. By the way, yes the buildings are jacked up in real life. They are leaning all over the place, but not a photo where I think it matters?
I love #6!

The daytime photos seem to be just a bit over-saturated to me.
^Thank You^

Here are some more dragon photos for you then...



9. The very last of the fireball...

Nice shots. I do agree with Designer that some are a bit over saturated but really like the composition on the water shots and your Dragon pics are wonderful. I've been to Universal several times recently and it's not easy to get good sight lines there with all of the crowds in the HP areas and all of the big warehouse style buildings for the indoor attractions.
^ Thanks, yes I have a habit of over-saturating photos with no people in them. Its kinda my style. I appreciate the feedback though. it makes me think about dialing things down a bit.
^ Thanks, yes I have a habit of over-saturating photos with no people in them. Its kinda my style. I appreciate the feedback though. it makes me think about dialing things down a bit.

Did they give you any trouble about bringing in a tripod? Or did you just set up on something with a bean bag or other alternative?
^ Thanks, yes I have a habit of over-saturating photos with no people in them. Its kinda my style. I appreciate the feedback though. it makes me think about dialing things down a bit.

Did they give you any trouble about bringing in a tripod? Or did you just set up on something with a bean bag or other alternative?

The dragon shots were handheld and the long exposure water shots were placed on a wall.

You are right though, I have seen them give people a hard time about tripod, they wont kick you out or anything at Universal, but they will tell you to put it away. Like a lot of things though, it depends on what worker sees you. Some don't care, some will actually say something.
^ Thanks, yes I have a habit of over-saturating photos with no people in them. Its kinda my style. I appreciate the feedback though. it makes me think about dialing things down a bit.

Did they give you any trouble about bringing in a tripod? Or did you just set up on something with a bean bag or other alternative?

The dragon shots were handheld and the long exposure water shots were placed on a wall.

You are right though, I have seen them give people a hard time about tripod, they wont kick you out or anything at Universal, but they will tell you to put it away. Like a lot of things though, it depends on what worker sees you. Some don't care, some will actually say something.

I saw something online recently that Disney will no longer be allowing "large" tripods. Haven't seen any reports of anyone being denied yet. You are right that it matters who sees you - or who does your security search at the entrance. I once had one of the most thorough bag searchers ever go through my camera bag going into Universal. This guy had me taking the lens cap off the lenses, turning on the camera etc. then he checked every little zip or velcro pocket on the bag including the tiny little SD card holder pockets built into the camera strap. What was he expecting to find in there? It took me by surprise and also made a mess of my perfectly packed bag! My family was getting impatient so I didn't really take the time to repack everything the way I had it to begin with so the rest of the day I was cursing him.
^ You get any nice shots? Post them in here if you want.
I'll take a look when I get home. I got a few that I liked but not as many as I had hoped! I had much better luck at WDW.
10. Lunch - Ahi Tuna Salad


11. Men in Black Headquarters


12. Tough shot with that bright screen...


13. Best movie....ever.

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