

TPF Noob!
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Edmonton, AB
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Apart from overhead an operating expenses how o you value your time ( cash wise) when setting your rates?

Do you cringe when you see someone who has significantly under value their time? Assuming they have no overhead or none at least that they have factored in

Do you view them as competition or o you see yourself as not on the same range at all...
Your salary, as well as profit margin should be factored into your overhead if you are trying to set an hourly rate. You can also charge more for premium services.

I cringe at the fact that the people who set lower prices, are generally doing less quality work, and often customers want to compare your prices, to try to talk you down, even though they leave out the quality factor of the equation.

I don't see them as competition at all.
Ugh I just wrote a nice post and somehow lost it.

Anyways, FreelanceSwitch Hourly Rate Calculator is a price calculator that might give you some insight into your rate.

I'm not a pro photographer, but I do freelance graphic/web design so I feel I can chime in.

In my industry there is a low of cheap web designers out there, it is just a fact of the industry. I don't view them as competition because I have experience and quality backing my pricing.

There is more to building a successful website than a little html/css knowledge just like there is more to photography than pointing and clicking.
When the market here started to flood with new photographers charging $50 for a 1.5 hour session with 100 images in high res fully edited on disk, I was momentarily scared. Then I thought, wow. They just booked 5 shoots this week, for a total of $250, with a weeks worth of work. They will either burn out or go broke.

So I doubled my prices.

I could be in the same range as them, but I chose a different marketing plan. Now my prices are about 3x what most in my town charge, I work less then they do, sure. But I also make more money. Perceived value is HUGE to the client. I cost more so I must be worth more. Sure there are some people that can only afford cheap, and that's the way it is. Sure, that are still competition in some ways, but after I educate a client at a consultation about what I can offer, I don't need to justify my pricing.

On a side note, I had a client passed to me for wedding on a long weekend. I met with the couple, twice, and they decided to book with someone else. I wasn't willing to drop $200 to meet their budget. Not trying to poo poo on someone elses passion, but you can bet their butts they wish they paid the $200.

It can be really hard to not undervalue yourself. You shouldnt be in business to give people a deal. Thats what Walmart is for. Price high, and then you can also go down. Price low and you are the cheap photographer. Just make sure you can back it up with a GREAT photography experience and a great product.

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Kristal, I went to check out your website, but can't view it because it's flash based.
Oh well.
^^^^^^^^ Are you seriously going to start critiquing someones website in this thread?!
If you don't want to come off as a jerk.....don't be one! She didn't ask for your C&C.

Kristal, I enjoyed your site and your artistic vision.
Way to stay on topic Destin. High Five!!! I don't know how 2 soft images makes my point less valid for the OP.

I will not disagree that the beach shot was too soft. It has been removed. Thank you for using such a tactful way of bringing it to my attention.
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What's that old quote?: "There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this man's lawful prey.”


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