Vultures, Cats and Car Rides


TPF Noob!
May 22, 2011
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Baltimore, MD
Can others edit my Photos
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Beginner hobbyist (you won't see me offering to do weddings, promise!).

I enjoy the feel of black and white photographs and these have been my favorite so far.

Vulture Sky




This was taken while in the passenger seat on a little road trip with my mother. She was freaking about driving in mountains, so I preoccupied myself with shots taken out the window. The blur on this pleases me, as does the spontaneous composition that I was able to capture.


First time posting pictures so... /cringe be gentle!
I really like Riddle, especially the eyes.

The first two look a lot like shots that I tend to take where I have an idea in my head, but fail to translate it into the image. I can't explain why (if I could, maybe I would stop taking shots like those), but they just aren't very interesting to me.
Same i really like Riddle,
can see it on a Card or something. Nice composure.
Others not really doing anything for me but maybe with a bit of tweeking in lightroom/ps could create some real atmosphere
Both Riddle and Mari are pretty; bacon & kitties tend to get noticed around here (I have a grey tuxedo & a calico - both rescues).

I like how the shot of Riddle came out - nice capture (you can't really "pose" cats), Mari seems a bit dark to me - maybe the full size is better.
I'd try to clone the telecom wires out of the barn.
The vultures doesn't really do it for me - I can't tell that they are vultures or blackbirds or any other bird. There aren't enough of them there for a feeling of "The Birds" - maybe if you got closer, but I'm not sure.

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