We have 5 editing software licenses to give away!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 14, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I hope that is OK to post, but I thought since things for free are always welcome, I'd give it a try.
We have a celebration and therefore give away 5 licenses of Luminar 4.
Chances to win are actually quite high since the numbers of views we usually get on videos are rather low.
Good luck to everyone who wants to participate ;).
I would like to try this because we are always looking for software that we can introduce to the students at my college, but I don't really want to have to jump through a bunch of hoops and following to do it. Oh well... onward with Adobe I guess.
Trying software is usually pretty easy. Most of them have a trial version to get your hands on.
Trying software is usually pretty easy. Most of them have a trial version to get your hands on.

Right, but that doesn't work well in a academic environment. We want to evaluate any software that we are considering for students, and that includes testing with systems, networks and how it "plays" with other software titles. 3 days, a week or even 2 weeks doesn't really give the time to evaluate it well. Thanks anyway and will continue with what we are using. We have Photoshop on over 20,000 machines and will continue that. Appreciate the reply.
Ah, I just bought it recently or I'd have had a punt.
I have been using it for a while, good stuff......
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