K katy625 TPF Noob! Joined Jun 1, 2009 Messages 267 Reaction score 1 Location Texas Can others edit my Photos Photos NOT OK to edit Aug 4, 2009 #1 These are pieces of wood in my backyard that have fallen off the wooden retaining wall.
ocular TPF Noob! Joined Jul 29, 2009 Messages 1,107 Reaction score 1 Location outoftown Can others edit my Photos Photos NOT OK to edit Aug 4, 2009 #2 It's a bit abstract. Are you doing a gallery like this ? lol.
manaheim Jedi Bunnywabbit Staff member Supporting Member Joined Sep 2, 2005 Messages 14,457 Reaction score 3,329 Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Aug 4, 2009 #3 You know, it's funny but you almost have the magic triangles setup with the wood. that being said, it didn't seem that interesting of a shot... it's a bit dark, too... gotta try to get more contrast and a bit brighter I believe.
You know, it's funny but you almost have the magic triangles setup with the wood. that being said, it didn't seem that interesting of a shot... it's a bit dark, too... gotta try to get more contrast and a bit brighter I believe.