"Weathering Old Rust Bucket..."


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Aug 2, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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ISO 200
1/125 Sec.
GF45mm F2.8 R WR
35 mm Equivalent

(Processed In LR & PS)


Thanks For Looking Any Comments/Criticism Will Be Appreciated.


I like the story this image tells, the years of hard use then let to rot. A once prized possession.
As for CC
Just two things I would change if this were my image
Left hand side as viewed bottom the light coloured brick/block by left hand edge of bumper/fender
I would clone that out. It’s light and clashes a bit with the smaller stones you could loose it into the black
2nd there is a bill board/sign board mid way up left side again I would clone it out or darken it down so it doesn’t notice so much it’s only half a sign so imo does not add to the image
My eye is drawn to the big S and have to look to see what it is
But as always it’s your image and if you feel that you are happy don’t make any changes
I have had images in the past that by the time I have made changes that people suggested I felt it was no longer the image/ moment I wanted to capture
Ah, so sad to see that history decaying away. Well taken and would make a good restoration project for someone if so inclined.
Having seen the color version, ruins the B&W for me. The wonderful textures/colors on the old truck are a huge part of the composition. I do like this angle better.
I like this and the color equally well but this one has more pop to it.
The background makes it look out of place. I think it is being used to grab attention for a business.

The truck and the processing look good.
I like the story this image tells, the years of hard use then let to rot. A once prized possession.
As for CC
Just two things I would change if this were my image
Left hand side as viewed bottom the light coloured brick/block by left hand edge of bumper/fender
I would clone that out. It’s light and clashes a bit with the smaller stones you could loose it into the black
2nd there is a bill board/sign board mid way up left side again I would clone it out or darken it down so it doesn’t notice so much it’s only half a sign so imo does not add to the image
My eye is drawn to the big S and have to look to see what it is
But as always it’s your image and if you feel that you are happy don’t make any changes
I have had images in the past that by the time I have made changes that people suggested I felt it was no longer the image/ moment I wanted to capture

@Original katomi I going to try to possibly remove the sign...personally I don't see it as bothersome but if this was printed to it's full size you may be correct...so I am going to try.....and thank you as always for your input...!

Ah, so sad to see that history decaying away. Well taken and would make a good restoration project for someone if so inclined.

@Space Face Thanks...

Having seen the color version, ruins the B&W for me. The wonderful textures/colors on the old truck are a huge part of the composition. I do like this angle better.

@smoke665 I figured you would prefer the angle.... lol

I like this and the color equally well but this one has more pop to it.

@K9Kirk Thank you very much...

The background makes it look out of place. I think it is being used to grab attention for a business. The truck and the processing look good.

@Amocholes You are absolutely correct the truck is used to grab attention for business from the side of the road.

Thank you all for your inputs & likes...

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