Wedding Collage - KC Plaza

I like it!

My only problem with it is the bride is on the left and the groom on the right, but on the photo in the center it's the opposite - for some reason it bugs my OCD. :D

my thought is similar: the bride and groom both have their bodies turned away from the couple. a body language thing? freudian?

I think you should switch them around and see how that works, or flip (to a mirror image) then and keep them on the same side they are now. i just wonder if it works better with the shoulders turned toward the couple?

I think the blur is fine, but I think what makes it come across as artificially blurred is the vignetting on the edges, I think if you lightened up the vignette, the blurred spouses wouldn't look so harsh. it takes too much attention away from the blurred spouse...if that makes sense.

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