Weekly challenge 1/12 - 1/18 Build me up buttercup!


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week’s challenge, let’s focus on buildings. Photographing buildings effectively can be very challenging. Lens, light, shadows, angles, leading lines, backgrounds, reflections, isolating the subject, POV, keeping distracting unwanted elements out of the foreground... there is a lot to consider. Subjects can be city or rural. As always, new photos only please. Get out there and shoot!

Here are a few sites with some helpful info:

Photographing Buildings [Composition Tips]

9 Architectural Photography Tips

8 Architecture Photography Tips to Master - CreativeLive
Ok, nothing as grand as the other submissions so far (all of which I think are very good) but in the spirit of participating I am submitting this. I have shot this same scene in every season but never in snow which is sporadic here in Virginia and rarely coincides with my visits to this spot.

If I can get into DC this week maybe I can get a shot of something a bit more iconic.

Side note, am I the only one who struggles with snow?
Some great entries this week, I should have looked before posting thee museum shot I took on Saturday and posted here instead! Great to see the shots as always

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