What do you do with all your photos??


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 7, 2009
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S. Idaho
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I have a ton that I really like, and have printed..... I don't think there's enough wall space... what do you do with them?? I only print the 'special' ones, but still - :confused:
I have thousands of photos a lot in albums,,which is many and have been discing them lately
Oh well i sell all mine and make boat loads of money by posting them on the internet and I get great deals from people in nigeria who actually i've been helping out with the prince's money because as you know, you get a HUGE cut of that and it's just all so fabulous and full of rainbows and unicorns becuase no i don't leave all my photos on my hard drive, rarely print and really don't do much of anythign with them....


Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!!!
Well, since my living room has a lighthouse theme , all of my lighthouse photos are framed on the walls. My walls of my hallway are filled with other photos I've taken over the years. I have several large albums, a large plastic 3 drawer sterilite storage unit -each drawer filled with photos, two large files boxes filled with negatives, a large boot box filled with old slides, and a large CD storage box filled with CD's holding all my digital photos and work. I never keep the really bad stuff, and the stuff I like, but have problems with, i save to turn into photo art. When I get the money, I'm considering one or two...three maybe, of those new "photo books" they offer now:D
Oh well i sell all mine and make boat loads of money by posting them on the internet and I get great deals from people in nigeria who actually i've been helping out with the prince's money because as you know, you get a HUGE cut of that and it's just all so fabulous and full of rainbows and unicorns becuase no i don't leave all my photos on my hard drive, rarely print and really don't do much of anythign with them....


Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!!!

Ha Ha :lol:
I print the best and am busy filling one wall of my living room. Every year we make up a photo book showing what we did that year, that uses about 100 of them. Mainly though, my photos are stored on a file server in the corner of my living room with a permanent random slide show of all my images being displayed on a large lcd monitor.
I print the best and am busy filling one wall of my living room. Every year we make up a photo book showing what we did that year, that uses about 100 of them. Mainly though, my photos are stored on a file server in the corner of my living room with a permanent random slide show of all my images being displayed on a large lcd monitor.

Now.... I LIKE that idea... Can display any/all and not worry about where to put them...

thanks !!!
Now.... I LIKE that idea... Can display any/all and not worry about where to put them...

thanks !!!

This is the screensaver I use to do it Google Photos Screensaver way better than both the XP and Vista screensavers. You don't need much of a computer to do it either, I use a 4 year old Dell and it runs for a couple of weeks between restarts.
I print quite a few of mine to hang. After awhile I get tired of looking at the same old photos so I'll print new ones and hang in their place.
I bought an external hard drive for my lap top. When I transfer photos from my camera to my laptop, they are saved in a dated folder... which I then add the discription. Every few months or so, I hook up the external harddrive and transfer everything over. The ones that I like I copy to a second folder which is on my laptop, and also backed up on the external harddrive. This way, I can keep most of my photos (except for the garbage ones that are blurry/over/underexposed)... without loading up my laptop with photos.

You should be able to buy a 200gb harddrive for ~$100. Worth the investment IMO
You should be able to buy a 200gb harddrive for ~$100. Worth the investment IMO

eek...dont overpay (unless you got a RAID array or network enabled storage)

my 750gb external was 119USD
You can get a 1TB Western Digital from Walmart for $115.

Maxtor 500gb for $90.

I'm starting to wonder why I've been putting off getting the External drive for my backups. They really are pretty cheap these days.
You can get a 1TB Western Digital from Walmart for $115.

Maxtor 500gb for $90.

I'm starting to wonder why I've been putting off getting the External drive for my backups. They really are pretty cheap these days.

Only problem with those is they fail. I just had a 250g WD USB/Firewire drive fail and now is trash. If you have the skill and time, build yourself a small server/workstation with multiple drives to store everything. But always write to CD/DVD for long term storage and the occasional hard drive failure.

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