What I salvaged from the Dec. wedding (10 images)


TPF Noob!
Oct 3, 2007
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Roanoke, VA
Can others edit my Photos
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So I've finally decided to post some photos from the wedding that I was overwhelmed by in this thread:


I feel like I had good ideas, but poor execution. When I first uploaded these photos back in December I was happy enough with them, but after going back and looking at them again I just can't believe how noisy and out of focus most of them look. I wish I could take everything I've learned in just the past two months with me and go back in time and do this wedding over again. Despite all of that, I still came away with a few shots that I do like. I tried a few different things in pp, but I don't think much of it helped. Anyway...

1 -

2 - The little ringbearers fell asleep during the ceremony

3 - Ringbearer feet

4 - Two of the couple's four kids....is this too yellow?

5 -

6 - Trying to make the best of a dimly lit room. The bride didn't want to go out anywhere for fear of being seen by the groom. I did a bit of dodging on her face - does it need more/less?

7 -

8 -

9 - We didn't get a chance to take any shots of the couple outside before it got dark, so I did the best I could.

10 - The cake...this color in this looks weird to me, but I can't seem to get it right.

Thanks for looking - appreciate any thoughts.
Ajay, these don't look too bad :-) You got some nice shots.

I just read your other thread about the wedding itself! I'm going to give you some unsolicited advice here - DO NOT charge for weddings (actually for any photography until you know you can get GREAT photos in any situation)! Someone I know advertised to take photos for couples who would otherwise not have been able to afford photos at all... this is how she built her experience and her portfolio... Once you start charging there is an expectation.

Okay, on to the photos :-)

Did you sharpen these for the web before posting them? They all look "soft" but I think it might just be on here.

#2 look very blurry and a bit snapshottish, but I still like the moment you captured.

#3 I really like! It is a very cute capture

#4, 5 and 6 I really like.

#7 I wouldn't show! It isn't flattering to the bride and on her wedding day the bride wants to feel beautiful!

#8 is lovely

#9 is a very cute capture

#10 - it is hard to comment on the colour. It does look a bit "off" (the whites aren't white) but it is hard to say how or how to fix it!

I think the bride and groom are going to LOVE these!

Anelle - thanks for the encouragement! They were all a bit soft to begin with. I forgot to sharpen before saving the web versions. What is the best way to do that? Anytime I try to sharpen I feel like it makes my shots look more noisy/pixelated.

I wasn't that crazy about #7 at first, but the couple seemed to think it was cool. I had another one that showed her smiling but I chose this one since it actually shows her getting some makeup applied. I guess you just never know what people are going to like.

I appreciate what you said about not charging when you are starting out, but I felt like I deserved something for the amount of time I knew I was going to spend on these pictures. I've gone out of my way in other ways to make sure that they are getting their money's worth.
Ajay, for sharpening for the web: after resizing (usually I resize so that the longest side is 500 px) I sharpen using USM at 30-50 (depending on the photo)/0.7/0

I agree that sharpening usually present a problem with noise. However, if a photo isn't underexposed and if your camera can handle high ISO's (mine can't - which is one of the reasons I would love to upgrade!), your noise should be minimal. If your camera can't handle high ISO's it is better to just avoid them or to do some shots that "embrace" the noice :-)

As for charging, it is a personal choice. When I started out as a portraiture photographer I did free shoots for friends and family. They only paid for the prints. It was terrible, since I was a PS newbie and my post processing took me ages. I was also new to children's portraiture although not to photography and I had loads to learn. Then I did a stint of portfolio building where I did shoots at a heavily discounted price. Even that was hectic, since I was still trying to get my final workflow sorted out, finding a good lab, etc. I felt like the bit of money I was making wasn't really worth it. BUT
I wanted to make sure that once I start charging handsomely I could handle myself in any situation and that I could be confident in my ability to deliver the goods.

Others jump in and charge from the word go and they learn on the job. The truth, though is that we all continue learning on the job, so There is no right or wrong. :-)

BTW, I don't shoot weddings AT ALL! Personally, I would prefer not to have the stress and the pressure. Also I don't have backup equipment (camera body, lenses, etc).

I also forgot to mention in my first reply, that I LOVE the first shot you posted!

The only thing I've ever charged for is weddings, just because of the amount of time that is spent on the whole process. The other weddings I've done have been in the summer when I could take advantage of all the natural light I needed - much better results of course. I really don't like doing them though. I have a few friends that want me to take their photos whenever they get married, but other than that I don't plan on doing any more weddings. Like you said, there is just too much stress and pressure involved.

I do a lot of free sessions for friends and families. It's so much fun to practice on people that you know and that will be patient and eager to help you gain experience.

I have a D80 which I thought should handle noise pretty well, but I did not go over ISO 200 in any of these photos and they definitely failed in the noise dept. I don't really understand how they can be that noisy at such a low ISO. I must admit that I shot most of them underexposed, but in raw mode so that I didn't have to use a higher ISO, but it didn't seem to help much.

I like your name by the way. My middle name is Janelle. :)
i think you have some great pics here and the couple should be well pleased.

so whens your next wedding booked for??
i think you have some great pics here and the couple should be well pleased.

so whens your next wedding booked for??



Ok, so maybe someday, when friends that have already talked to me about it decide to get married, but not anytime in the near future.

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