What went wrong? Olympus TG6 macro


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Jun 16, 2015
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I have seen some decent photos with the TG6 but this I took wasn't one of them.
I have taken much better with my Canon gear but I think the difference should be a lot less.
Any ideas?
P7020038_Cockchafer by davholla2002, on Flickr

I used the default macro setting with flash - here are the actual values
ƒ/10.0 11.1 mm 1/60 640 Flash (on, fired) Show EXIF

I wonder if the shutter speed was too slow - how to make the shutter speed faster? I don't find the Olympus that easy to change - btw I have looked in the manual but I might have missed something
I want to take the photos on the beach sometimes and my Canon gear is not going on the beach
I have seen some decent photos with the TG6 but this I took wasn't one of them.
I have taken much better with my Canon gear but I think the difference should be a lot less.
Any ideas?
P7020038_Cockchafer by davholla2002, on Flickr

I used the default macro setting with flash - here are the actual values
ƒ/10.0 11.1 mm 1/60 640 Flash (on, fired) Show EXIF

I wonder if the shutter speed was too slow - how to make the shutter speed faster? I don't find the Olympus that easy to change - btw I have looked in the manual but I might have missed something
I want to take the photos on the beach sometimes and my Canon gear is not going on the beach
Looks like you were a tad closer than the camera's minimum focus distance. And at that magnification the depth of field is about nil.

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