Which exposures do I keep and run through Photoshop?


TPF Noob!
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Brighton, UK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Went to the beach for about half an hour this evening after I noticed a line of colourful beach huts and started snapping away. There's quite a few so I've placed them in a folder in the link below. What I want to know is, which exposures do you think I should keep? To spruce up in PS.

TempExposures pictures by samueljustice00 - Photobucket
How about these two?


There's quite a few so I've placed them in a folder in the link below. What I want to know is, which exposures do you think I should keep? To spruce up in PS.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: Best laugh I've had so far today. :thumbup:
There's quite a few so I've placed them in a folder in the link below. What I want to know is, which exposures do you think I should keep? To spruce up in PS.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: Best laugh I've had so far today. :thumbup:

Constructive, and helpful. Thanks.
The ones on the first page didn't do much for me but a few on the second page would be a place to start.

"Any that you like" is actually a very good answer.
The ones on the first page didn't do much for me but a few on the second page would be a place to start.

"Any that you like" is actually a very good answer.

I agree that any that you like is the correct answer since photography is a creative medium. But I know a lot of you guys are professional, and to get some professional opinions on some of my exposures can only help me grow.
You'll receive much more helpful responses if you actually post a few photos YOU think are worthy of looking at. As soon as I saw the word folder I tuned out out. I know many more people on these forums are the same way and won't click on a link.

For now, post 3-4 images and ask specifically about those.

For the two that you've posted;
The first seems boring and underexposed. Having a sign saying beach made me look for beach.

The second has better exposure but the blowing piece of fabric doesn't seem as sharp as the rest of the image which leads me to believe your shutter speed was somewhat slow.

This leads into a second point about posting on a photo forum. Post a picture AND your settings when asking for advice and comments.

Hope this helps :)

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