which one?


TPF Noob!
Jan 23, 2012
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i cant decide to buy the d7100 or canon 70d im ok to wait on the 70d but does anyone know when in september it ships early in the month or late? also i see the 70d has no gps built into it will there be a attachment you can buy so it can have the gps?

most of my pictures are in low light and are fast i shoot for live bands where there really is not much light in the venues. i also want to start doing portraits for bands and people i know so if u can suggest some lenses my budget including the camera is about 2000 right now.

I also know canon cameras usually are better in video and that is a huge plus for me im starting to get into video and would like to know which one would be better
also gps is a huge plus for me too

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