Which photo editing program/service?

Let me add another little twist. My wife only wants to use her her IPad to edit photos so this will obviously limit what she can do.
First, Photos comes with the iPad. I find Photos is mediocre at adjusting white balance, at adding more then a little brightness and really doesn't clone well. That said, Photos is a very good editing program that will also organize your photos, do facial recognition, cloud storage. Have her start with Photos--if it's not on her iPad she can download it for free.

Second, if she wants to do stuff that Photos isn't good with (layers, or serious cloning) then look at Affinity--which was originally designed for the Mac (and later made Windows compatible). If you're shooting with a Nikon, then Nikon NX is free and good.

But again, her iPad is designed to run Photos, it's a Mac/Apple software. And if you're doing stuff like: cropping, adding a little brightness, playing with color, modest sharpening, removing a coke can from the foreground--Photos will do all of that. And it will be free and a fit for the iPad.
First, Photos comes with the iPad. I find Photos is mediocre at adjusting white balance, at adding more then a little brightness and really doesn't clone well. That said, Photos is a very good editing program that will also organize your photos, do facial recognition, cloud storage. Have her start with Photos--if it's not on her iPad she can download it for free.

Second, if she wants to do stuff that Photos isn't good with (layers, or serious cloning) then look at Affinity--which was originally designed for the Mac (and later made Windows compatible). If you're shooting with a Nikon, then Nikon NX is free and good.

But again, her iPad is designed to run Photos, it's a Mac/Apple software. And if you're doing stuff like: cropping, adding a little brightness, playing with color, modest sharpening, removing a coke can from the foreground--Photos will do all of that. And it will be free and a fit for the iPad adobe lightroom mod apk.
Are there any free photo editing programs for mac that are as good as photo shop and lightroom, but dont cost money or as little as possible? Cheers
Check out PhotoDirector Essential from CyberLink and see if that works for you. The Essential version is free. I'm surprised the Mac doesn't have any photo editing software that comes with it, Apple made their name supporting graphic artists.
Are there any free photo editing programs for mac that are as good as photo shop and lightroom, but dont cost money or as little as possible? Cheers
First, "as good as PS/LR"--not really. Almost no programs are "as good." Except if you're new to photo editing then for most people PS/LR are bad. They're sophisticated programs that have a significant learning curve. So if by "good" you mean "technical capability and sophistication" then almost nothing is as good as PS/LR. And certain not free.

Second, I mentioned in my post--the Photos program is free for Mac products (iPhone, computers/laptops, and iPad). And for someone who is new to photo editing, it's intuitive and very capable and probably meets your needs.
I used stand alon light room and pse9 photoshop elements 9
Only advice shoot in raw or raw and jpg and save in tiff
Adobe... the worst ripoff artists EVER. They charge monthly what used to buy you the application free to use forever!
Plenty of suckers out there that's for sure.
I can't seem to find NX-Studio for my MAC. -Running High Sierra. I can see/get a Win ver, but not MAC OS.
(Yes I know it's an older OS). Any ideas?
LrC is not difficult, but does take some time. It's amazing what you can do with LrC, especially with the new auto masking features. PS is at a whole different level of difficulty, but the Beta version includes and AI feature, which is just amazing, and is well worth the time.

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The only real difference between LRC and PS (ACR), is the name if all you are going to do is edit simple photographs. Even with AI, which I refuse to use, simple is simple. However once you get past simple, then PS is your lifelong partner. Now you have a program with layers, masks, channels, etc. As to difficulty to use, it's like the difference between driving an old car with a slushomatic and driving a new Porche; once you get familiar with the controls, life in the editing studio is the Le Mans and many more races after that. I've been using PS since ver 1.1 (1991) and Beta testing every version since 2001. The hardest part about learning photoshop is ignoring everyone who tells you how difficult it is to learn. T'aint so, I say.

Jools..PS was never free and yes, like all editing platforms worth a flip, you pay for upgrades, except with the Cloud version. Since it came into being, I pay $9.99 a month, which considering what I get is pretty close to free.
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Since we're on this subject, I'll put in a plug for Affinity Photo.
It's a superb sophisticated fully featured photo editing application. I've used PSD for a few decades so I know what it's all about.
Affinity ticks all the boxes, and it's so cheap... no subscription, just buy it and it's yours.
(I have no affiliation at all with Affinity - just a very happy user, happy not to be a victim of Adobe!)
I am not much for editing pics, but my wife wants to be able to edit the pics if she wants to. I am shooting in JPEG format not Raw right now. Should I be shooting in Raw?
The main question is what photo editing program does everyone recommend. I have been looking at Lightroom and don’t mind paying $10 a month for a subscription. Just looking for some recommendations for an easy program to use. Trending towards Lightroom but I know zero about photo editing. Thanks in advance.
The fewer mistakes you make before releasing the shutter, the less correcting you have to do afterwards. For most practical purposes, the software that came with your camera ought to suffice.
Edit: That said, for many editing is as enjoyable as taking the shot - if not more so. For those folks Photoshop and Lightroom seem to be the most popular. You might do a Google search for available editing programs, read up on them and try the ones that seem best for you.
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Does anyone have any experience with ON1 Photo Raw?
Does anyone have any experience with ON1 Photo Raw?
I use parts of it but they update so often it's hard to keep up with what's in and what's out. I like their noise reduction. I also use Tony Kuyper's editing tools. They're inexpensive and really work nicely and interface with Photoshop seamlessly.
The fewer mistakes you make before releasing the shutter, the less correcting you have to do afterwards. For most practical purposes, the software that came with your camera ought to suffice.
Edit: That said, for many editing is as enjoyable as taking the shot - if not more so. For those folks Photoshop and Lightroom seem to be the most popular. You might do a Google search for available editing programs, read up on them and try the ones that seem best for you.
Yes and no. A digital image is just a series of 1's and 0's and in the RAW stage, there's way more than most people will ever understand. BUT, until the shutter releaser acts on these integers, they are just 1's and 0's. As good as the newer cameras are (I shoot the Nikon Z8), even with all the newest bells and whistles, they still only produce 1's and 0's. Think of it as acting and reacting; it is perpetual motion in its finest hour.

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