White-faced Ibis


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Feb 13, 2024
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White-faced Ibis stepping along at the Anahuac Shoveler Pond, TX.

R7_C1458 White-faced Ibis.jpg
Nice shots both of you! I've seen the White Ibis at Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA), haven't seen the White Faced Ibis around here though.
Nice shots both of you! I've seen the White Ibis at Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA), haven't seen the White Faced Ibis around here though.
On the campus of UT Southwestern, there's a bird sanctuary. Lots of interesting birds in there. Not long ago, I got a nesting pair of anhinga; Dallas is pretty close to their normal northern limit.

On the campus of UT Southwestern, there's a bird sanctuary. Lots of interesting birds in there. Not long ago, I got a nesting pair of anhinga; Dallas is pretty close to their normal northern limit.

That's a place on my list to go. It's just off of Harry Hines and Inwood. Just need to get my butt in gear on a nice day.
That's a place on my list to go. It's just off of Harry Hines and Inwood. Just need to get my butt in gear on a nice day.
The campus is growing and there are some who would like to close it and put up more buildings. So it's uncertain how much longer it will be there.

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