Why arent pictures showing up?..


TPF Noob!
Oct 24, 2010
Reaction score
Staten Island NY
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Okay, so when i plug my camera into my computer.. not all of my photos are there... they are on the camera, but they arent coming up on the computer.
Can anyone shed some light on this?

The software you're using to view pictures on your computer may not be able to read the RAWs from your camera.

The software you're using to view pictures on your computer may not be able to read the RAWs from your camera.
Yeah, i am shooting in raw D:
Is it possible to find a program that will open it in raw?
Or is it just my computer?
What camera are you using? Did you but it new?

It should have came with the software to process the RAWs.

If you don't have that for whatever reason, there are a few alternatives.

GIMP is free (google it), and with the UFRaw plugin, you can process RAWs.

There are a number of non-free programs you can use too - Lightroom is popular.
OH okay, got it haha
But just oneee more question : P
Uhm i put in the disk for the editing system that came with camera, cause i wanted to check it out, and all that comes up as the folders, no installer

Sorry for all of my questions haha

Nevermind.. got it haha im really sorry for all my annoying questions -edit-
can you right click the drive it is in and select Auto Run?
Run setup on the CD/DVD drive?

Open the folder and look for an .exe file. run that.
Check your autoplay settings if you want the installer to come up when you insert the disk...
Again, im sorry but haha i have yet again another question
Uhm.. how do i open raw images outside of the program? Like save them to my desktop? When i did, there was no program to open them with, i tried otherr programs and it didnt open
I see them in the digital photo professional thing, but i cant see it in any other way
Thanks again so much : )
You have to use DPP to convert them to JPGs, which can be read by pretty much anything.
You have to use DPP to convert them to JPGs, which can be read by pretty much anything.
K ill go google how to do that : )
Thankyou soo much for answering all of my annoying questions haha
I haven't used DPP in a long time, but I don't think it's very hard.

Do whatever tweaks you want to do, then export as TIFF, JPG, or whatever.

Somewhere on the disk that had the program, there should be a PDF of the manual. That will tell you everything you need to know.
Maybe your computer needs a software to open RAW...

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