World's smallest camera


TPF Noob!
Nov 19, 2007
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Ever wished you could put your interchangeable lens DSLR into your pocket? Well, now you don't have to anymore, this one will be perfect :greenpbl:

JTT Rolls Out World's Smallest Ultra Camera, CHOBICAM1 - Gizmo Watch

It's 1x1x1 inch and fully functional, with 2mp stills and VGA video. Much more of a gadget than a real camera, but still interesting.
i want to see what the image quality is on that haha. it has to be pretty bad. are there even any settings for shutter speed aperature or iso? or is it just full auto?
Probably uses a sensor similar to a cameraphone. I was also wondering about the settings myself, but judging by the size it's surprising enough they managed to place a shutter button and something to enable the video mode. Doubt there are any other controls.
Oh. I thought it was a fullframe body ;)
Don't beat yourself up about it, it's easy to be fooled by this wonder of high-tech engineering. :lol:
Yeah. maybe it's a foldable sensor? :lmao:
Saw this in Engadget, thought it looked pretty cool. I wonder how hard it would be to get one state side.
I can see one of these in my camera collection, sitting right next to the HIT.
It's going to give the 1D Mark IV a run for its money, no doubt.

Whine away...

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