Worth it


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Sep 13, 2013
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United States, PNW
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So I have a Leica M6 (film camera, no lens) which I don't use - and it's up for sale here and on craigslist.

Ideally I'd love cash for it, but somebody has offered me a Canon 5D Mk2 and a 24-105 F4 lens.

What do you guys think of the trade?

Could I get more cash selling the Canon afterwards?
Would the 5D Mk2 be a good addition to my photography?

Hmmm Curious on people's thoughts.
Is the 5d mkII is good for you only you can know and decide. It probably isn't or you'd already know the
answer to that question. As for the prices of 5D used, you can check them yourself in the classifieds where you live.
Don't think anyone can really help you with this, it's a common sense thing, not a photography question.
gsgary said:
No it is a bum deal the M6 is worth much more

Agreed...5D-II plus the most readily-available kitted zoom Canon has ever sold for FF...the actual street prices on 24-105-L's are starting to dip to $500 now...

An M6 non-TTL in good shape with packaging is worth more than this trade.
gsgary said:
No it is a bum deal the M6 is worth much more

Agreed...5D-II plus the most readily-available kitted zoom Canon has ever sold for FF...the actual street prices on 24-105-L's are starting to dip to $500 now...

An M6 non-TTL in good shape with packaging is worth more than this trade.

Thanks Derrel - I was thinking so, but I wasn't so sure.
I know the choice is mine as to whether a DSLR would be useful for me - and I decided it wouldn't. I'm trying to rid myself of cameras, not accumulate more!

Hah - anyhoo - thanks all for responses! :)
If it wasn't for shipment and import tax I would have taken it off your hands, it would go well with my other Leicas

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