Yard Art


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Mar 29, 2016
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To cold to go far today.

Big Al, is looking a little rough for wear, rough season this year. K1MII, HD PENTAX-D FA* 70-200mm F2.8 ED DC, 200mm, f/2.8, 1/250, ISO 100, ambient light.

Big Al (1 of 1).jpg by William Raber, on Flickr

Happy is always "happy". :1247: K1MII, HD PENTAX-D FA* 70-200mm F2.8 ED DC, 100mm, f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 200, ambient light.

Happy (1 of 1).jpg by William Raber, on Flickr
Well, they put a much needed smile on my face. Thank you.
Well, they put a much needed smile on my face. Thank you.

It's hard not to smile when you catch "Happy" looking at you. My DW found this piece many year's ago. It occupies a spot in an open area at the top of a retaining wall, which puts him about eye level when we pull in and out of the garage. He's our greeter. LOL
Smoke like the images,
We used to have the steel toys in the garden but this close to the sea they don’t last a year
Nice, playful images. There's a few gnomes around here that need capturing, also.

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