Yard water feature

Bill in Texas

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 31, 2023
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Texas USA
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Late February of 2023 I decided to add a water feature in the yard. I live on 1 1/2 acres. It has been such a magnet for birds and some wildlife. There are gray foxes that come in a night and a deer approached one time but didn't care for me on the back porch. I expanded the feature after fall migration last year to make it bigger. A couple of pics of the feature and result. I'll add a link to the photos of the build in case anyone is interested. BTW, solar-powered pump. Bird pond - Sheridan - Bill Morris

Beautiful shots, if I had to choose one - No.3.
Oh my! Mine won't be nearly as large because I'm on less than 1/4 acre. Gorgeous captures of the Blackburnian Warbler and the Painted Bunting!
Very nice water feature. The bird photos pop with the water.
Gorgeous! I need to come stay at your place for a few months!

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