Yet another thread on Dust. Or is it?


TPF Noob!
Jul 27, 2006
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Mesa, AZ - ASU Polytecnic
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Ok so here's what I'm trying to figure out.

Ive been trying to get rid of some dust on my camera, I tried the dust delete data feature with my XTi. I took a before shot, did the delete feature, then took an after shot and I saw no difference, same speck patters in both shots.

I'd like to try this again but I want to totally clear the delete data feature and get a totally raw shot first. Is there a way to do that or do I just need to reset the camera to factory settings?

Maybe someday I'll actually be able to afford a sensor cleaning kit and bypass this silly system. But yay college right? :???:
I have for 2 years cleaned the sensor by dropping it into cleaning mode and gently blowing into the housing. Only 1 spec has ever withstood this. Try that before spending money. No idea about your original question though.
Let me expand... I do not think Garbz meant blowing with your mouth into the housing, but using something like a Giotto Rocket blaster.

Blowing with the mouth blows moist air, and sometimes a bit of spit, and that adds to the problem, not solves it... lol.
Yea I know I shouldn't blow into it with my mouth ;)

I used to have some really cheap cleaning stuff but have since lost it and only have a cotton cloth at the moment.

As for "blowing" on it, I'm sure it stated somewhere but I can't find it, would a gas duster be ok? I would think that it could be a danger beacuse of whatever propellant they use seems to be a liquid. Or has it been deemed safe?
Let me expand... I do not think Garbz meant blowing with your mouth into the housing, but using something like a Giotto Rocket blaster.

Blowing with the mouth blows moist air, and sometimes a bit of spit, and that adds to the problem, not solves it... lol.

Actually Jerry I did mean blowing with my mouth. But really a blower bulb is definitely the correct tool for this job. I have a few times managed to fog up my sensor "cleaning" it. I think that's how that 1 spec I was talking about got permanently stuck in the first place.
Also don't use things like compressed air to clean the camera sensor. If you want proof of why not just get a bit of black fabric and blow the compressed air at it at close range and you wil get a lot of white specs thrown onto the fabric. This is because their are chemicals in the compressed air and you don't want those blown onto the camera sensor.
Giottos Rocket blower and a good solid tripod are what I use (I set the camera on the tripod so that it will hold it rather than my arm - its less tiring :))

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